build presence, seek truth

How to build a more balanced yoga practice

You’ve likely received the message from the wellness community that yoga is a well-balanced practice.  In many respects, it is — it challenges us to grow mentally, physically, and emotionally. But it has its own limitations, which we need to understand, to build a better, more well-rounded mind-body. Body From …

What’s the minimum effective dose for meditation?

Many people who start to meditate (or are considering it) often wonder how long they’ll have to sit. Doing nothing, to some, seems like either a waste of time or an impossible feat. So, what’s the minimum amount of time you need to see results?  How meditation changes the brain …

Why everyone should practice alternate nostril breathing

The answer is: because even Hillary Clinton practices it. I’m joking. That’s not the reason, even though it’s true. Alternate nostril breathing, or what the yogis call nadi shodhana, is a conscious breathing technique that provides relief from stress and anxiety. It helps you stay grounded when, say, you feel like …

Why care about social change when it feels like nothing is changing

Maybe you feel frustrated with the state of pick-your-social-issue-that-needs-transformation.  Maybe you’ve even thought, why bother, nothing’s really changing. But compassion and action really do matter, not only to individual health but to society’s health. I found myself thinking about this after a recent trip to San Francisco. I was struck …

Living green: How plastic pollution became your problem

By now, you’ve probably heard about the 5 swirling stews of plastic (a.k.a. gyres) living in our ocean waters. Maybe you’re even aware of some of these startling stats: 51 trillion microplastic particles are in the ocean today—500 times more than the number of stars in our galaxy (source). We …

Five mind-body practices to help you get back in the flow

In Western society, we have been conditioned to relate to the mind as separate from the body. There’s a reason for this. But today, a growing body of research shows how our emotions, behaviors, and thoughts influence our health outcomes. It’s time for a mind-body reconnect. Maybe you have a …

Are your issues really in your tissues?

If you’ve taken a yoga class, you’ve likely heard some form of yoga-speak. Some teachers give instructions that don’t make any anatomical sense. “Breathe into your toes.” “Squeeze the toxins out of your organs.” Then there are the more high-minded, inspirational phrases. “Connect to your unbound potential.” “We are all …

The mind-body disconnect: When it happened and why it’s the root cause of suffering

How do you define health? Most people would likely say in some form or another, it’s the absence of disease. That makes sense. That’s how our healthcare system defines it. The thing is health is much broader than this. It encompasses physical and emotional states that are influenced by biology …